Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Cuban National Series

stuff for all the seasons

good article + pic
Rogelio Garcia pics some good stuff, like league leaders and records

1962-2-25 some player pics + box scores + standings/leading batters
    w/ pic of Amoros Hernandez
1962-3-4 final standings/ top stats - box scores - pics
1962-3-6 pics
1962-3-7 more complete final stats
1962-3-8 all-star team named - some pics
1962-3-9 more pics - stats for seleccion
1962-3-10 box for seleccion v. Occidentales

Amoros Hernandez (Manuel Guzmari) BR bullpen - first Cuban player to defect

1963-2-26 box + pics
1963-2-27 pics
1963-2-28 boxes + pic also pics

1964-3-01 boxes + pics/profiles
1964-3-03 2 p/p + some sort of conversation 
1964-3-05 article: "We have been very impressed by the baseball"
1964-3-06 box - no p/p
1964-3-07 p/p - pics - stats 
1964-3-08 boxes + drawing of player - no p/p
1964-3-10 group pic + Castro pic
1964-3-11 boxes + p/p
1964-3-12 box + pics of Fidel at the game
1964-3-13 box + p/p
1964-3-14 p/p (guy born in 1917) + action pic
1964-3-15 box + lots of pics, all usable
1964-3-17 p/p + box + drawing + group photo 
1964-3-18 p/p + boxes + action pic
1964-3-19 p/p + box + action pics
1964-3-20 p/p + box
1964-3-22 p/p + boxes + vg pic of Alfredo Street

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