1908-3-22 annual Hawaiian track & field championships. Honolulu League players like Lyman. W. Desha, En Sue, O. Jones, Lota, MacKenzie, etc. Some are Hawaii record holders.
Pic of Kamehameha track team.
1908-5-02 preview. Berticus Bower will umpire. Ed. Fernandez will captain Diamond Head. President Paul Isenberg, Secretary Thompson, and Senator Chillingworth will attend.
"It is hoped that some new cartoonist may develop this year. Last season this feature was not the least interesting of the reviewing of the games."
1908-5-02 Opening day. Good crowd and good ball. "Ed. Fernandez did some mighty good base-running and handled his team well. Evers, at short, put up a crack game and made some beautiful stops.
1908-5-02 Opening day. Good crowd and good ball. "Ed. Fernandez did some mighty good base-running and handled his team well. Evers, at short, put up a crack game and made some beautiful stops.
The crowd was an enthusiastic one, particularly in the makai bleachers. All the old fans and rooters were on deck and many new ones.
The Hawaiian band played during the afternoon."
Amusing pic of baseball fan
1908-5-09 preview. "The Saints had a crippled team on the field [last Saturday] and should show up better with their regular line-up.
Jimmy Williams of the Saints pitched a star game and with the right kind of work behind him, would have won.
En Sue's throw in from left field, catching the runner at the plate, was great.
Amoy's slow benders fooled the Kam batters.
Much interest is being manifested in Saturday's games and a big crowd is looked for."
1908-5-09 "The big league games yesterday were of an extremely interesting nature and deserved a much larger crowd than paid admission to the ground."
"The Punahous and Diamond Heads played gingery ball and were on tiptoes all the time.
All the pitchers did good work. Chillingworth was very good. Hampton was wild at times.
The work of Davis and Lyman behind the bat was excellent.
Kia brought off some pretty catches.
Evers played his usual good game at short.
SH only listed in summary HB not listed at all beneath box.
SH only listed in summary HB not listed at all beneath box.
Newspaper League will open today - purely amateur. Has a couple of Honolulu Leaguers.
1908-5-16 preview. Punahou called Colts.
"Vannatta and Jones are both expected to make an appearance in the Kam-Saints game today, and large improvements will no doubt be recorded, as they are players to be reckoned with when it comes to fast ball.
It looks as though Barney draws a transfer nowadays when he comes to bat. Barney's reputation as a big sticker came from the Coast last year and our slabsters would no doubt rather walk him than take a chance.
Hampton's work during the last two games was of the highest class. Bill knows a thing or two about the game and for sizing up his man he certainly is the candy.
Reuter is in fine form for the first game and should pull his team through to victory. Though he has been pitching grand ball this season, Dick always manages to get in wrong, but should shake the jinks today.
1908-5-16 "The attendance showed improvement and the presence of the band helped to make the afternoon an enjoyable one."
"The [St. Louis] team as a whole played a great game and for the first time this season showed their championship form."
"Catcher Davis gave perhaps the best exhibition of throwing to bases that has ever been seen in Honolulu. He nailed them down beautifully."
1908-5-23 preview.
"St. John, a newcomer from the Rapid Transit Athletic Club, will be in the box for the Diamond Heads today... Throwing such as Davis put up last Saturday comes but once in a season, yet there is a chance that more of it may be seen today, 'Phony' being reported in fine form.
Quite a number of major league players are already casting longing glances at positions they would like to play on the team to be picked to meet the Foreigners when they come. The picking of the nine men will not be an easy matter, as there are many who can fill the various positions well."
1908-5-23 Kamehameha called Native Sons
1908-5-30 preview. "Leslie, who has been away for several months, will do the slab work for the Jewels. Just what class he will show after his rest is hard to say at this time. He should have no trouble with Davis on the receiving end, as 'Phoney' has acted as backstop for his speedy curves before.
"It might be said that Reuter is the victim of hard luck this season, being able to deliver the goods, yet not having anyone to receive them. Jones is perhaps the only man in Honolulu who can handle Reuter, and after a few games should be in perfect form."
1908-5-30 Barney Joy lost temper - tossed from game by Bert Bower and was fined $5. Joy refuses to pay fine - Bower says until fine is paid Joy cannot play.
Saints had been arguing over alleged balks of Leslie.
"The cause of the trouble is explained by Bower as not being a balk. 'If I had called it anything I'd have to call it "illegal delivery of the ball." I allow much to pass on both pitchers because of the condition of [the] pitcher's box."
Pic of D.J. Peters, Santa Clara
"For the Saint Louis team En Sue was the first to bat. This doughty little player biffed a beauty making first easily."
1908-6-06 preview. "Barney Joy will dig up his little old five dollars for getting fresh with the umpire a week ago and will be seen in the game."
1908-6-06 Short-enders win. "This is as it should be, and will undoubtedly cause interest in the league's doings on the diamond to perk up from now on. The continuous realization of the foregone conclusion makes the public extremely ennuied."
Two homers made in first game, one by Kia and one by Davis. They will receive their due reward from E.O. Hall & Son. "It is true the ball [Davis hit] missed the sign by an inch or two, but the firm are too good sports to take advantage of a mere technicality like that." Davis' hit was over two-run shot over left field fence.
"MacKenzie, champion sprinter of the territory, was there with some phenomenal bursts of speed between bases.
"Lemon is the same finished player that he ever was. He seems to improve with age, if anything.
Fernandez played his usual heady game and did some nice waiting for balls. "
The yanking of the effective Chillingworth in favor of Leslie probably cost Diamond Head their first loss.
1908-6-13 preview. "Captain Eddie Fernandez is anxious to redeem his team's failure o[f] last Saturday, especially at this time, when another game chalked against them might mean a close run for first place, while the Kams are confident of further advancing their winning streak. It is doubtful if Leslie will appear today, as he is far from form, having but poor control over his speed, and it is just possible that St. John, who was slated to break out some weeks ago, may be in his place, with Bill Chillingworth held in reserve."
1908-6-13 First game started an hour late due to Kam players' tardiness. Second game postponed due to rain - would have been started after 6.00 if it had been played.
"It is distinctly up to the League to start games at the scheduled time. Tedious delays affect the gate receipts appreciably."
J. Vannatta and H. Chillingworth made debuts.
"Costello has gone to work at Pearl Harbor and in future the Jewels will have to do without his services. Eddie Fernandez filled his place at second yesterday and H. Chillingworth went to first in Fernandez' place.
Diamond Head was up 6-0 after end of second inning but Kams rallied beginning in the fifth and scored seven runs in the last five innings to win 7-6.
"It seems that what the Kams need is some hot coaching and lots of shouted encouragement."
"It seems that what the Kams need is some hot coaching and lots of shouted encouragement."
"The rooting of Jack Doyle was a feature of the game. The way he caught and held the large furry ears of the players and public was a caution. It is not too much to say that he won the game for the Kams. It is rumored that Doyle is writing a baseball hula which will be rendered at the ball park during the visit of the fleet. "
"Bill Chillingworth was weak after the fourth innings. Eleven hits were made off him in four consecutive innings, he being practically knocked out of the box."
"Had the Saints played against the Puns yesterday, they would have been without the services of En Sue, Jimmy Williams and Soares. Good old rain!"
Game between Mauna Keas and picked Hilo nine on June 11 - several hundred ATT. "One of the most interesting games of baseball that has ever been played in Hilo..."
Hilos won 3-0. "The steamer nine showed up well and should win games."
Lyman and two Deshas on picked Hilo nine.
1908-6-20 preview. Before tiny crowd Diamond Heads (reinforced by Barney Joy) beat U.S.S. Maine 8-2.
"The Saints in their last effort to trim the Diamon Heads in the first series will appear this afternoon with the strongest line-up of players ever selected from their pasture.
"Figuring on the pace and result of the last two games which the Jewels have played,
Bushnell can see but one outcome, and with speedy ball to keep in touch with the Jewels' usual opening stride, there should be a blue uniform on top when the dust clears up.
"Hampton's Colts"
"Handling bunts is one of the Kams' weakest points and should prove dangerous at all times unless Reuter can place 'em sooner. The Colts have all been educated to bunt, and each in turn knows what the 'get-away' means, so there may be something doing in this line also.
"Doyle will be on hand with his anvil chorus, ready to yell their heads off to cheer Dick and his team to victory."
"It is rumored that Bob White may return to Hawaii.
"Charlie Albright may don a Diamond Head uniform one of these fine days."
small, rather inaccurate report on Barney Joy quoted from SF Bulletin.
1908-6-20 Good game and poor game. "The crowd, by the by, was better than usual but Berger still played the tunes of the early sixties."
"Bill Hampton made first by hitting the ball a little way and then turning back after he had got half way to first; doubling and making first safely when the ball was thrown to the pitcher instead of the first baseman. The umpire said it was O.K. and while the players were beefing about the decision, Hampton stole second and third. The player was unobstructed when he turned and should have been given out." A bit like Javier Baez.
"The Puns played their usual finished game.
"A chain-lightning double was brought off in the first of the eighth by Warren, Hoogs and Marcallino.
"Reuter, to be in accordance with strict baseballology, should be spelled "Rooter."
"Umpire Bert Bower failed to show up. The first game was held for him.
"Bill Vannatta and C. Albright umpired the games in the order named.
"Pitcher Leslie allowed himself to be rattled by the rooters.
"Some rooters are hogs.
"Bill Chillingworth damaged his flipper in the warm-up and wore it in a sling the rest of the afternoon.
"Kia registered his first error this season.
"Reuter was touched up for 14. Better not let Danny Long hear about it, Richard."
U.S.S. Maine manager seeks correction - Friday's score was 5-2. Said Advertiser is Diamond Head periodical.
6-27 Kams are repeatedly called native sons in lower-caps.
"Jones sent the ball over the left field fence for the longest hit of the season."
Two diff. listed in rf for St. Louis.
"How are the mighty fallen. Poor old Saints!
"Kia doesn't bat like he used to.
"Umpire Bower had dust in his eyes once or twice yesterday afternoon.
"The games drag more than they should. The Punahous are always on tiptoes and the fault is not theirs. The Diamond Heads might infuse a little more ginger into their playing without any of the team being scorched.
"The crowd yesterday was an average one.
"Doyle's voice gave out and thereafter a gloom pervaded the bleachers which could be cut with a knife.
"Jimmy Williams, En Sue and Aylett were missing from the ranks of the Saints yesterday. Plada and Markham were given a chance to shine, but their brilliancy isn't known to have affected anyone's eyesight.
"Joy didn't get a hit yesterday.
"Lota pitched fairly well. Reuter is being rested now that there is no chance for the first series. It's no use pitching a man's head off for nothing.
"The games are noisy this season, but the pandemonium which prevailed at the H.A.C.-Oahu games seems to have gone to stay.
"In the first of the fifth Hampton bluffed his way to third on three balls. There is little of that kind of work done here compared with what happens at a Coast game.
"The Colts were as crazy as the wind in the early part of the game.
"Johnny Williams' two-bagger would have been good for a home run had the ball in bouncing up not struck a letter in the big paint sign.
"In the second of the eighth Vannatta caught En Gee at second by taking the ball in one hand and whirling round onto his man."
Diamond Head won first-half.
Diamond Head won first-half.
1908-6-30 Second series will be postponed until end of triangular tournament. President Isenberg made offer of cup - it will be given to the team with the best batting, fielding, and baserunning averages.
1908-7-01 Details of Santa Clara & Keio arrivals. Doc Monsarrat will be away for two months - Doyle's chorus of rooters will miss his "strong voice." Sales of seats for international series are strong.
Reuter would be happy to join Santa Cruz CALL - Devereaux would be happy to have him. Roster given for team heading to Maui.
"Beef" Aylett
Billy Desha
Frank Hoogs
1908-5-09 The two rival Chinese teams will meet today (5-10)
1908-5-18 Chinese Alohas lost 11-0; V. Ayau came in in relief and was a "wonder
1908-6-13 "There will be no Riverside League baseball games until after the funeral of Prince David."
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