Nevada State League
Reno 10, Goldfield 0. Reno has Baer and Broadbent.
1907-6-16 Carson City 14, Tonopah 4.
Swanson, Baer, Lucera, and Broadbent have jumped to Carson City.
"Carson may thank the boys from Reno for their victory today. And right here it may be apropos to mention in refutation of some ill-natured remarks that have been circulated about Reno concerning the circumstances of the jumping of Swanson, Baer, Lucera and Broadbent, that there was practically nothing else for the boys to do. They came to Reno, expecting to get their expenses paid and to get jobs. Neither materialized, except that one, Swanson, secured a position. There was no guarantee whatsoever extended them as to the future, consequently, when they received an offer from Carson, they signed up."
In first league game, Goldfield beat Reno 9-8. (no box) Immense crowd - as if it were a prize fight.
1907-6-23 With standings.
Carson 5, Reno 3.
"The dispute over Yeazell was settled last night, Reno conceding Carson's priority to the ownership of the crack Californian. It appears that both teams sent Yeazell transportation to report and the Carson management fully convinced President North and Manager Conway that Yeazell received their transportation first. Yeazell will play with Carson today."
1907-6-22 from Tonopah Bonanza
"Several years ago, when this town was in its infancy and the mines of Tonopah were being heralded as the richest and biggest in the commonwealth, the people of Tonopah were known as the best boosters in the country. But since the mineral wealth of the district has been proven and Tonopah has become an established city there has been a gradual decline of this boosting spirit. But now there is need to reawaken that spirit now for Tonopah is to have a baseball team and it will need the co-operation of every single individual to make our national game a success.
John T. Powers the minor league organizer, has succeeded in forming the four principal cities in the Sagebrush state into what will be called the Nevada State League...
The league, thus organized, will continue year after tear, waxing greater with the growth of the state until it occupies a prominent place among the minor leagues of the United States. It assures the four towns and the surrounding territory a season of rare sport, naturally exhilirating [sic] and exciting; a place to go on Saturday and Sunday afternoons where the week day cares and worries can be dispelled by an afternoon of enjoyment.
You have seen what Goldfield has done; they have raised a fund sufficient for the needs of them for the whole season and the crowd turned out in such numbers, during the first season with Reno, that the grandstand could not hold half the people who went to the game.
What Tonopah needs, primarily, is a sum of money not over $800 or $900 to build a grandstand and fence in at least two sides of the grounds. There is no reason why this sum of money cannot be raised in two hours among the enterprising citizens of Tonopah...
The Tonopah management will immediately send a man to California to get two pitchers and a couple of other men and when they arrive the Tonopah team will be as strong as any in the league and will start at once to climb the rounds of the percentage ladder. It will be up to the merchants and mining companies to furnish positions for these men."
Mr. Booth is manager of Tonopah team.
1907-7-01 Poem written by "Amelia of Sparks" about the Reno baseball club. Gazette speculates on characteristics of Amelia, who though a subscriber has not revealed her true identity.
Naming contest for team is closed.
1907-7-13 Personnel changes.
" 'Teddy' Baer is now the captain-manager of the Carson City nine."
1907-8-07 "Jack Swanton, one of the stars of the Reno baseball nine during the short league season, received a telegram yesterday from "Tonopah Johnny" Hopkins, offering him a place on the Alameda nine in the California league. Swanton has accepted the offer."
1907-8-03 "Goldfield is going to send out a base ball team under the direction of John T. Powers. The club will play in 35 different citie. It is said the Clark road has provided a buffet car, and the trip will cost $50,000."
1907-8-10 "The trip of the Goldfield baseball club East has been abandoned, and the players are now busy trying to collect the money due them, amounting from $40 to $100 apiece."
"It is proposed to have the same towns, Reno, Carson City, Tonopah and Goldfield and two or four more new towns. At Carson City it is reported that the owners of Shaw's springs will build an electric line and a ball park at the springs, which will make the capital city a paying proposition. They supported their team by subscription this year - paying every man a monthly salary..
The street car line to Moana springs in Reno will be completed and the owners of that resort are going to build a park and are very much in favor of financing a team. The Tonopah crowd built their park this year and it is naturally understood that the sister city of Goldfield will need no coaxing to enter the 1908 league."
Sierra Nevada League
1942 -6-06 averages
Western Nevada League
Beasley, Bud 1937 Sons of Italy made pro debut in PCL in 1944 at 33 - pitched well in pros until 1951
1938-3-26 Claxton managed Verdi last year
1938-5-15 Foy Scott, Claxton, and Smiley Clayton all on Reno Brewery team - all black
1938-6-19 Claxton, oldest in league, will face Percy Jensen, youngest.
1938-7-17 Hank Mosconi day to be held - profits will be given to Hank Mosconi, who lost arm in hit & run auto accident on highway last year.
Smith, Oakie 1942
1941-8-08 Lovelock has pro
1907-8-03 Reno Victors lineup - will play Verdi tomorrow.
1907-8-03 Ely will meet picked team of Welshon's. $300 side bet. Lineup of teams given. Welshon's has some decent players.
Ely team described as champions.
1907-8-05 It was a good game - but the score is not mentioned in write-up!
1907-8-03 Ruby Hill and Eureka will play two games for $100 per side per game. Rosters listed.
"Some little difficulty is experienced in securing the services of some capable person to umpire the games, but so far no one has been found with nerve enough to tackle the job."
1907-8-17 Tonopah, managed by Rounsevell, will play Pullmans, colored team. "Young Peter Jackson, the fighter, will pitch." It will be last game in which O'Banion and Hoag play, because they are returning soon to their California homes.
1907-8-24 W/box. Tonopah 10, Pullman 3. Powell was the Pullman pitcher, not Jackson. O'Banion struck out 16 and Hoag caught. 17 total errors in game. Tonopah turned triple play.
1907-8-22 Taken from Reno Gazette of twenty years ago:
"The amateur baseball club of Carson will be at the State fair to play ball with any club in the state of Nevada, the Esmeralda baseball club not excepted. They are willing to make a match with any club, and are not afraid to meet any outside clubs."
John T. Powers was writer and president of Nevada State League. Founded the Federal League.
Reno Larks
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